English Preschool | English Age 5-7 | English Grade R | English Grade 1, 2, 3 |
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These Reception year (Grade R) Rainbow Workbooks form part of the Department of Basic Education's strategy to boost South African children's school performance. Research shows that for every year that children are exposed to stimulating activities before Grade 1, they perform better academically in later years throughout their primary and secondary schooling. Hence this strong focus on learning in Grade R.
Grade R Workbook 3 (30.13MB)     Grade R Workbook 4 (39.75MB)
Grade R - Resources for English worksheets
The NEW ALL-IN-ONE Grade R Workbook for Home Language form part of the NEW ALL-IN-ONE series. The worksheets on the CD included in the NEW ALL-IN-ONE Grade R Home Language Teacher’s Guide are now in book form to make it easier for teachers to hand out to learners in their class. The new activities make revision fun and provide teachers with extra assessment & guidelines of the learner's knowledge.
The NEW ALL-IN-ONE Grade R Workbook for Mathematics form part of the NEW ALL-IN-ONE series. The worksheets on the CD included in the NEW ALL-IN-ONE Grade R Mathematics Teacher's Guide are now in book form to make it easier for teachers to hand out to learners in their class. The new enrichment activities make revision fun and provide teachers with extra assessment & guidelines of the learner's knowledge.